Yesterday, I managed to finish something. I sat and chatted with a friend while sewing on buttons, which is probably the most civilized thing I've done all week. The buttons in question were being sewn onto my own version of "Ella Funt" by Pamela Wynne.
I began this project on a whim and did not pay any attention to the yardage required. This is a very bad way to begin a sweater unless you're the kind of person who doesn't mind making it up as she goes. Thankfully, I am exactly that kind of person.
I had two balls of "Shepherds Wool Worsted". One ball was a soft petal pink and the other was a bright leaf green. I thought I'd have enough of the green to knit the body of the sweater and plenty of pink for the elephants on the yoke. It only took me a couple of inches to realize that there was no way that I could knit the whole body with the green yarn, so I improvised. I had to do a bit of ripping and re-knitting, but it turned out just the way I had hoped it would.

The finished sweater is far too big for a new baby. I'm guessing that our little girl won't be able to wear it until she's at least two. I don't feel badly about that because, if I've learned anything about knitting for children, it's that knitting something that is too big is never a problem for long.

The yarn is heavenly. It's incredibly soft, but with a good firm twist. I don't get the impression that it will pill much. There's enough yarn left over for a hat, but I'm afraid a matching hat might be over the line. I want her to look loved, not like a victim of her mother's knitting obsession.

I'm struggling to pick out the next baby knit. I already have so many baby cardigans, bonnets, blankets, booties and hats that it feels a bit silly to be adding to the pile. Maybe I ought to knit some sweaters for the boys. Our three year old will be starting school in September. I'd like to knit him something special, but it's always a little dangerous knitting for someone who is capable of expressing their personal preferences. I think I'd be better off knitting the boys a few new hats instead. I guess I may try my hand at a little woolen dress. I think that's probably just the right way to pass my knitting time while waiting to meet our new baby girl.