I'll start by tying up some loose ends. This lovely, but far too big, sweater is called "Levenwick". The pattern was written by Gundrun Johnston, who is a fantastic designer. I can't fault the pattern for my gauge issues. She wrote a perfect and very detailed pattern. For whatever reason, I seem to think that I'm two sizes larger than I actually am......and also, that I'm shaped like a Viking.....a male Viking.

The wool is "Shelter" by Brooklyn Tweed. It's easily one of my favorite yarns. It's a little rough and rugged, but I'd rather that then something that pilled and stretched after two wearings. It's a true woolen spun yarn. Which means, that it is both light and warm. The tweedy colors are fantastically complex. This colorway is called "button jar", which is exactly what it reminds me of.
Speaking of buttons, these are some way back when buttons from my very own button jar. I'm not sure how old they are, but I'm guessing that they are from some time during the 20's or 30's. I love them.

I have another good reason to turn up the knitting dial. We are experiencing a sudden baby boom amongst family and friends. There's nothing more exciting than tiny sweaters for the pudgy legged stroller set. Baby cardigans have all the fun of an adult sweater without the fit issues or endless sleeves.
I've already finished a February Baby set and am starting another little sophisticated, but gender neutral, cardigan. I'll show post about them as soon as I get them blocked and photographed. I'm particularly pleased with the February baby bonnet as it is a pattern of my own invention. It's always nice to feel clever.
There is an adult sweater on my needles. I don't want to jinx it by saying too much, but it's flying off the needles and the yarn/pattern combo seems inspired. Hopefully, I'll have it done before I find a way to muck it up. I don't have a very good track record with sweaters for myself. I really hope this one fits.
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