This is the Loch Ness monster of chickens. She's practically impossible to photograph. She goes hightailing it into the coup at the first sign of trouble, or of anything really.

For the moment, I am calling them "the ladies", because I haven't come up with names for them yet. I think that the biggest chicken will be named Oprah. The other chickens just sort of do whatever she's doing. That seems very Oprah like to me. The other chicken's don't have names yet, but I'm accepting submissions, so name away. There's the shy/alarmist chicken and the mellow chicken.
I've still got to figure out what variety they are. They were bought at a market from a rough looking gentleman, who handles his chickens like I handle weeds. I was going to buy some Bantam hens from a breeder, but these girls looked like they could use a good home, and while I'm not running a shelter for wayward chickens, I am a bit of a softy for women in tough situations.
They're a medium grey color with darker grey heads and some reddish feathers around their necks. I didn't expect them to lay for a week or so. Apparently, chickens get really stressed out by moving. I can relate. So, I was shocked to find an egg only hours after they settled in.

Voila, the first egg. I am unreasonably proud of the ladies. They are already laying up a storm, and just in time for Easter. Before I go, I've got one last trick up my blogging sleeve. The day after they arrived, I found this in my yard.

Even the mushrooms have caught chicken fever.
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