I had to knit this hat twice, because one inch short of the finish line I ran out of yarn. It's knit in The Fiber Company's "Road to China". This yarn isn't cheap, but yarn and cheap booze are alike in that, you get what you pay for. I love knitting with this yarn. It has a glow about it that makes me look like I've got a halo. That could come in handy in a crisis.

My first version of this tam was knit for Jeanette (my 91 year old neighbor). It was knit in exactly the same yarn, but in a soft blue. I rarely knit things twice. This pattern is an exceptionally good one.
Next up, the Missoni-like socks, fronts.....

and backs.

Now I've got to poach some size 1 needles from a different pair of unfinished socks. Don't laugh. That's the gritty reality of sock knitting. Some socks make it, some socks don't.
Last on my list of show and tell is the lace knitting.

I love it despite the fact that it will look like a big pile of nothing until it's blocked.

I'm beginning to see the appeal of lace knitting. It's like Christmas. It seems like a silly hassle, and then you start to get into the spirit of things, and when you can't stand the wait any longer you get a big beautiful surprise.
I love lace knitting because with all the yos it goes so quickly!